At Acorns Primary School we strive to deliver high quality provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to improve their educational outcomes and access to a broad range of social opportunities. To successfully achieve this we aim to work with parents and carers to ensure each child’s individual needs are met and offer high quality educational provision which ensures good individual progress and achievement academically, socially and emotionally. We will endeavour to do all we can to deliver effective provision for individual children with SEND so they can make good progress, reach their potential and successfully move on to the next stage of their education. We continually work to build a culture that gives all children a sense of belonging. We also collaborate with our partners including external agencies and the local authority to work together and share good practice to enable the needs of all children to be met to the highest possible standard.
The aim of this information report is to explain how we implement our SEND policy. In other words, we want to show you how SEND support works within our school.
If you want to know more about our arrangements for SEND, you can read our SEND policy.
You can find it on the Policies page of the school website.
The four broad areas of SEND are:
Our school provides support for pupils with a wide range of SEND needs including the following:
There are several members of staff you can talk to at Acorns Primary School, regarding your child’s learning or SEND.
In the first instance please talk to your child’s Class Teacher, they are responsible for:
You can also talk to The Trust SENDCo, Mrs Lisa Pang. The Trust SENDCo is responsible for:
You are also welcome to talk to our Headteacher, Mrs Hannah Young. She is responsible for:
We also have a SEND Governor, Mr Sam Gibson, he takes a special interest in SEND, and she meets with our SENDCo on a regular basis. The Local Academy Council has overall responsibility for ensuring that the necessary support is given for any child who attends the school, and that appropriate support is provided for all SEND pupils.
Parents are welcome to approach the school in person, initially via our school office or Class Teachers. Alternatively, you can make contact with us by email or telephone:
Email: or Telephone: 01608 684654.
a. Class teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching (Quality First Teaching).
For your child, this means:
b. Specific group work and interventions which may be:
c. Specialist support as defined by a qualified outside agency e.g., Speech and Language Therapy - as per the SEN Code of Practice 2014: School Support (SS):
This means that the child has been identified by the Trust SENDCo as needing some extra specialist support in school from a professional outside the school.
This may be from:
If the Trust SENDCo refers your child to an outside agency for further support or assessment you will be asked to give your permission. This will help the school and you to understand your child’s particular needs better and for us to be able to support them better in school. The specialist professional will work with your child to understand their needs and make recommendations as to the ways your child is given support.
d. Specified Individual Support
This type of support is available for children whose learning needs are significant and complex. This is usually provided via an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This means your child will have been identified by professionals as needing a particularly high level of support and provision.
This type of support is available for children with specific barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through Quality First Teaching and intervention groups. The school (or you) can request that Local Authority Services carry out a statutory assessment of your child’s needs. This is a legal process which sets out the amount of support that will be provided for your child.
If your child is identified as not making progress, or if staff have a particular concern, the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and to:
All teachers and teaching assistants at Acorns Primary School support children with special educational needs through quality first teaching and additional targeted support where required. All of our teachers are trained in SEND. In the past academic year our school teaching team have all attended the following training courses:
Further to this our staff members have also taken part in a wide range of specialised training as part of their ongoing CPD and so that we can ensure we are prepared to support children with special educational needs. In the academic year 2023-2024 this training included:
Communication and Interaction:
Social Emotional and Mental Health:
Cognition and Learning:
Sensory and Physical:
Sometimes we need extra help to offer our pupils the support that they need. Whenever necessary we will work with external support services to meet the needs of our pupils with SEND and to support their families. These include:
We have a disabled toilet, ramp and stair lift to provide full access to the school and visual directions around school. Adaptations are available in classrooms to support the individual needs of children, e.g. enlarged print, coloured overlays, wobble cushions, pencil grips.
Please see the Trust Accessibility Policy and Plan on the Policies page.
We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is a smooth as possible.
If your child is moving child to another school:
When moving classes in school:
When starting in Reception:
When leaving in Year 6:
We recognise that pupils with SEND may well have an emotional and social development need that will require support in school.
The emotional health and well-being of all our pupils is very important to us and we embrace the Thrive Approach.
Thrive is a systematic approach to the early identification of emotional developmental need in children and young people so that differentiated provision can be put in place by an adult working closely with them.
Addressing emotional development will build resilience and resourcefulness, it decreases the risk of mental illness, and reinvigorates to help those children who may be underachieving for whatever reason, to re-engage with learning.
The Thrive process consists of informed up-to-date neuroscience, attachment research, learning theory, child development studies and research into risk and resilience factors. Through an online assessment, action planning and measurement tool, Thrive enables us to clearly and systematically identify the social and emotional needs of the children we are working with, and to select targeted actions to meet the needs of the individual, giving suggestions on how to be and what to do in order to meet those needs through the arts, creativity and play.
Acorns Primary School is a member of The Stour Federation Multi Academy Trust, which is proudly recognised as an Inclusive Attendance academy trust. Our unwavering commitment to attendance centres around child-centric actions, evidence-informed practices, and a shared understanding of everyone's roles and collective responsibilities to promote exceptional attendance.
We recognise that children with special educational needs and disabilities may require additional support and accommodations to attend school regularly and that failure to provide appropriate support can lead to absences.
We will support children and their parents and carers to overcome barriers to attendance and all staff members have received training to support this.
Please see our Trust Attendance Policy for further information on our Policies page.
Mrs Pang, the Trust SENDCo is the designated teacher for looked-after children and previously looked-after children. Mrs Pang will make sure that all teachers understand how a looked-after or previously looked-after pupil’s circumstances and their SEND might interact, and what the implications are for teaching and learning.
Children who are looked-after or previously looked-after will be supported much in the same way as any other child who has SEND. However, looked-after pupils will also have a personal education plan (PEP). We will make sure that the PEP and any SEND support plans or EHCP are consistent and complement one another.
SENDIASS stands for special educational needs and disability information advice and support service. Children, young people and their parents and carers where a child or young person has or may have special educational needs or a disability are able to access the service for free, impartial and confidential information and advice.
Warwickshire SENDIASS provides advice and support around various topics relating to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children and young people aged 0-25 living in Warwickshire and their parents or carers. This is in line with the SEND Code of Practice, which states that “Local authorities must arrange for children with SEND for whom they are responsible, and their parents, and young people with SEND for whom they are responsible, to be provided with information and advice about matters relating to their SEND, including matters relating to health and social care.”
For more information about how SENDIASS may be able to help visit their website:
or contact them by email:
or phone: 01788 593159.
The Children and Families Bill was enacted in September 2014. From this date Local Authorities (LA) and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) aged 0- 25. The LA refer to this as the 'Local Offer'. The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision locally. The Local Offer can be accessed via the Local Authority website.
Please see our school Complaints Policy, you can access from the Policies page.
Information about Warwickshire’s local offer of SEND support is available at , along with additional information about services,
policies and ways in which children and young adults within South Warwickshire can be supported to ensure their needs are successfully met, e.g. SENDIAS, FIS.