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Friends of Acorns Primary School (PTA)



Ice Cream Friday is back!



PTA Committee Meetings 2024

The PTA is busy planning events for the rest of the year and there will be some lovely fun times and fundraising ahead. If you would like to join the committee planning meetings they are once a month at 7.30pm in The Red Lion, Long Compton. We just ask that you can attend regularly. Planned dates are :

Tuesday 6th Feb

Thursday 14th March

Tuesday 9th April

Thursday 9th May

Tuesday 4th June

Thursday 11th July


Parent Helpers, Whatsapp Chat and Volunteering

Please do get added in - it's fun to be helping and having more helpers means it is easier to dip in and out with a little bit here and there. If you will be at an event, why not offer to help for 30 minutes?

Easy Fundraising

A reminder to keep shopping with Easy Fundraising or to sign up if not already done so. You can even use it when doing your weekly food shop online


School Lottery

Your School Lottery is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for schools in the UK. All schools supported by the lottery will benefit the UK and its residents, but what we think is really appealing is that for every £1 ticket purchased by our school community - 40p will come directly to us to top up our fundraising! 


Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 per week, with a top prize of £25,000!

Each ticket will consist of 6 numbers and each number will be between 0 and 9. There will be a draw every Saturday night when a 6 digit winning combination will be picked. Match all 6 and you win the JACKPOT!


There is also a guaranteed winner for each school every Saturday which is drawn on a raffle basis, so there are two chances to win a prize.

Play the lottery, support our school - it’s that simple!


Follow the link to purchase tickets, we wish you the best of luck!! 


enlightened PTA Annual General Meeting

 Tuesday 17th October 2024 at 3.30pm in the school hall. All welcome!

ALL CHANGE! ………..Introducing:

Parents and Teachers Association Co-Chairs, 




They may be new Co-Chairs, but Gemma and Jennie are well established in the school community having been with the PTA for some time. Keen to be approachable, whether you are asking for something, giving ideas or offering your much needed and very welcome time and support, do catch them to say ‘Hi!’


An insight into Gemma: “Mum to Emmy in Year 3 and Mols who will (hopefully) start Reception in September. I work as a hairdresser - (although you wouldn't know it from my own!) - and an assistant in a company that sells super comfy underwear. My partner and I also run a couple of small businesses in property and the construction industry. We are so happy at the school and love the community although sadly we are not currently local, we make our way over regularly for the beautiful walks around Long Compton!”

An insight into Jennie: “Mum to Flynn in year 3 and Lottie in reception, living in lovely Long Compton for the past 5 years, which have flown by here. I work alongside my two brothers as a Director of two family businesses - a farming based business and….a specialist jetty and pontoon company! I do love cheese, especially if accompanied by wine! Give me a glass of wine and I’ll agree to all sorts of things!”


Jennie and Gemma have been busy taking over the PTA knowledge to enable the mind stretching, wonderful activities it funds for our children, as well as nuts and bolts items needed for schooling, that we take for granted every day. 

Who are we? 

Friends of Acorns Primary is a mixture of parents that work together for the benefit of our school. Some are full-time parents, some work part time or full time. We depend on a continual cycle of parent involvement.



Here's a list of 10 reasons why helping us will greatly improve your child's experience of school: 


1. You are vital to the success of the school

  • Schools are becoming more and more dependent on their PTA for funds.
  • Without the funds raised by FOAP social events such as our Summer and Christmas Fairs, Discos and Barbecues would not take place, transport for school trips would not be subsidised and lots of fun activities such as film clubs, the story tellers and theatre groups that visit the school would not happen.


2. It's TOTALLY flexible!

  • There are a variety of small ways that you can help and be involved - from designing a poster, selling raffle tickets, cleaning up after an event, helping out on a stall . . . to name just a few.
  • Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help FOAP is invaluable. If everyone could spare just 30 minutes a term to help, just think what we could achieve!
  • You don't have to attend FOAP meetings, you can email or to confirm if you can help at any events.


3. You'll feel more connected

  • There's no better way to know what events are being planned, have your say or make new fundraising suggestions, than by offering your help and support.
  • You'll get to know teachers and support staff on a more familiar basis.

4. You'll part of a great network

  • Every FOAP event is an opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you.
  • You will be part of a like-minded network of people who all share a common goal of improving the school for all our children.


5. Make a difference

  • By volunteering to help FOAP, you'll be able to use whatever skills you have for a noble cause.
  • Our FOAP strives to establish a supportive and encouraging community for the entire school.


6. We're not just for Mums!

  • It is important to FOAP, our school and our pupils to have Dads represented on our committee and to help reach out to other Dads.
  • Are you a Dad with a skill that would come in useful?


7 Be a role model

  • By getting involved with FOAP, you'll show your children that not only are they important to you, but their education is as well.
  • Your children will see you playing an active part in making their education more varied.
  • Getting involved illustrates good teamwork and community spirit.


8. What the FOAP does affects every parent (and pupil)

  • Your voice matters - FAOP is made up of people elected to represent you, so help us to do this effectively.
  • Your ideas and involvement can help improve the quality of education for all the children at our school.
  • See the smiles on their faces and know that you have played a part in making school a little more fun!


9. It's fun!

  • Help plan fun events, socials and get togethers.
  • Suggest NEW fun ways to raise funds.
  • Get your whole family involved!


10. Finally . . . 

  • Our children are only at school for a relatively short time, FOAP events such as fetes, discos and outings will be remembered fondly by our children for a lifetime. The equipment and resources FOAP helps fund make learning even more engaging. Please help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.