Children start in the Nursery when they are 3 years old. Our Nursery and Reception building was built in 2020.
Children who come for visits with their parents and carers are usually very keen to start coming on their own. Many children skip through the door on their first morning and settle immediately. Some children find the separation at the door a little more difficult, as do some parents. We want your experience to be as smooth and uneventful as possible and will support the settling-in of your child in every way we can.
Session Times
- Morning session times: 9am - 12pm (not including lunch).
- Afternoon session times: 12.15pm - 3.15pm (children to bring a packed lunch).
- Full day 9am - 3.15pm. Children who stay all day have the option of purchasing a school lunch at the cost of £2.50 per lunch or bring a packed lunch.
- There is a charge of £2 for the 15 minutes between the morning and afternoon session for children who are booked in for a full day funded by Government Funded Hours.
Nursery Government Funded Hours
- Universal Government Funded (15) hours, which is available in the term after a child turns 3, can be used for either morning sessions, afternoon sessions or both sessions.
- A declaration form needs completing and returning to school before the start of each term to obtain the 15 Universal Government Funded Hours.
- Since 2017, the number of Government Funded Hours increased to 30 hours for eligible families. Parents need to apply the term before they wish to access Extended Government Funded Hours.
How To Apply For Extended Government Funded Hours (30 hours)
- Parents must apply online to HMRC’s digital childcare service at:
- If parents are eligible for Extended Government Funded Hours, they will be given an 11 digit eligibility code for their child.
- Once a code has been given, please complete and return to school the ‘Details for Claiming 30 Hours Childcare’ form (available on the school website). This form must be returned to school the term before you wish your child to start claiming Extended Government Funded Hours.
- Parents are advised to contact the Childcare Service Customer Interaction Centre at HMRC on 0300 1234097 should they encounter any problems regarding the 30 hour application process.
- All Government Funded Hours are for 38 weeks of the year, for a set number of weeks each term.
Additional Sessions
- Additional sessions can be purchased at the cost of £18 for a half-day session. For the time before a 3 year old child is eligible for Government Funding, morning and afternoon sessions cost £18 each or £38.00 for a full day (9am-3.15pm).
- Application for a Nursery place is by application form directly to the school. Children’s names are added to an open waiting list and a Nursery place and sessions will be confirmed to families 3 months prior to the child starting Nursery.
- Having a place at Acorns Nursery does not automatically guarantee a place in Reception as all applications from Reception to Year 6 are dealt with by Warwickshire Local Authority Admissions. Parents will have to apply directly to them for a school place (
- A minimum of 6 weeks’ notice must be given in writing to the school, if the Nursery place is no longer required.
- All fees not covered by Nursery Government Funded Hours will be invoiced half-termly in advance and are payable half a term in advance. Invoices not paid fully within 14 days will incur a late payment charge of 10% of the invoice. If payment of an invoice is a month overdue, the child will no longer be able to attend Nursery sessions that are not Government Funded.
School Meals
- The cost of hot school dinners, only available as an option for children who are booked in for a full day are paid for using ParentPay. Picture menus are available. The cost is £2.50 per school meal.
Childcare Vouchers
- The school is registered to accept Edenred and Computershare Childcare Vouchers, and Tax Free Childcare.